Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) readies the launch of Brave Angel. Ng looks on with curiosity…or is it concern?
Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) readies the launch of Brave Angel. Ng looks on with curiosity…or is it concern?
This is Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) landing at the Hickam Air Force Base in a C17 military transport aircraft. The pilot is none other than John “Woody” Woodside (John Krasinksi). They are old friends…
Our daily Aloha takes us to the Hickam Air Force Base where Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) returns to Hawaii and runs into his old flame, Tracy Woodside (Rachel McAdams). Ng (Emma Stone) waits (semi-patiently) in the background…
Today’s daily Aloha features the silent conversation between John “Woody” Woodside (John Krasinksi) and Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper). Enough said!
The first clip from Aloha has been released over at E! Online and focuses on Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) and Tracy Woodside (Rachel McAdams). Aloha will be in theaters in just about a month!
“Bradley Cooper & John Krasinski – Tracy & Woody’s house, Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu – November 14, 2013”
Cameron has shared another behind the scenes picture that he took from the set of Untitled Hawaii. There will be many more over the coming weeks so stay tuned.