“Elizabethtown” was a movie written for my father, and the Kentucky side of our family. The great cinematographer John Toll dug deep to capture the warmth of that Cicada-filled summer we spent in and around Louisville. The My Morning Jacket boys showed us the ropes, and filled the set with music and laughs. We all took our cameras and embarked on the very journey that made up the final stretch of the story. It was a moviemade with a lot of love… and I’d like to dedicate this anniversary to the fans who have found this movie over the years and reached out to say they understood it. It’s a tip of the hat to tradition, to family heroes, and to those roller-coaster summers when life shows itself in all its indelible pain and glory.

Legendary cinematographer John Toll sets up the funeral scene. Photo by Neal Preston. ©Paramount Pictures

Orlando and Cameron discuss a take during the cemetery scene. Photo by Neal Preston. ©Paramount Pictures