Yearly Archives: 2014

Meet the Crew: Neal Preston

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Neal Preston is one of rock’s most celebrated and iconic photographers. Neal’s relationship with Cameron nearly goes back to the beginning of his illustrious career. We chatted with Neal on location in Hawaii about his career, his new iBook Led Zeppelin: Sound and Fury and much more.

When did you first meet Cameron? I know you guys worked together at Circus magazine and Rolling Stone, but had you met earlier while he was writing for the San Diego Door or Creem?

You know, I actually don’t recall the very first time we met — but I know that around the time we met he was definitely writing for the San Diego Door. I remember my girlfriend Bobbi (who was a publicist with rock p.r. agency Gershman, Gibson and Stromberg) shoving a copy of the Door in front of me, virtually demanding that I “read this kid’s stuff!! He’s only 14 years old!!!!”

Yeah, he could write, but what was far more astounding to me was that he was a really good ping pong player.  There was a ping-pong table in the rec center where he lived.  I was 5 years older than him, yet he probably beat me 80-90% of the time.  I hated losing to him, more than he ever knew.  In fact I’m still upset about it.

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Apr 22, 2014

Say Anything… Turns 25!

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Going through boxes recently, we found the very first draft of “Say Anything….”  It began as a story about a golden girl, Diane Court, who also worked in her father’s nursing home, helping the residents through their “Golden Years.”  Over time, and many more drafts, the story also became about the lovelorn kick-boxing suitor — Lloyd Dobler — who identified himself and his mission in the very first scene.  Lloyd was so much fun to write as a character, and the collaboration to come with actor John Cusack remains a crackling reminder of what happens when the right people come together.

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Apr 14, 2014

Josh Ritter – Golden Age of Radio Liner Notes

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goldenageofradio A new addition to the site today is Cameron’s liner notes for Josh Ritter’s Golden Age of Radio reissue. Enjoy!

Nothing quite beats the power of a song that arrives perfectly. It can be the melody from a distant window, a guilty-pleasure piece of pop fluff or even the exquisitely wrong song at the wrong time. The fact is that life can be the best d.j. of them all. A song or an artist can land in your life in the most profound and mysterious ways and from that moment on that record defines an afternoon, a season, a city or a life. Such it is with Golden Age of Radio, an album that casts a spell from first note to last. Josh Ritter had already made a record before it, but Golden Age was his first as a fully-committed, this is my life and there’s no heading back recording artist. The album arrived with a suitcase full of promise, bags packed perfectly. The music has the assurance and the sly commitment of a writer capturing exactly the mood he was chasing.

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Apr 11, 2014

Untitled Hawaii Picture #4: Mixing

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Anthony Quinn Stage – Sony Pictures Studios – March 28, 2014

Here’s a recent behind the scenes pic from Untitled Hawaii as they work on the sound mix. Of course, that’s Emma Stone as Allison Ng.

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Apr 7, 2014

Vanilla Sky Blu-ray Update

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Deep in the Vanilla Sky archives…

As you might have heard, Vanilla Sky was scheduled for release on Blu-ray later this month. Cameron and the crew at Vinyl Films have been working hard on some long promised additional extra features and Paramount has generously provided some extra time to make sure this will be the definitive release of the film.

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Apr 5, 2014

Untitled Hawaii Picture #3: Rachel McAdams

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Rachel McAdams. “Untitled Hawaii.” Editing room, Feb 18, 2014.

Here’s the latest “Untitled Hawaii” picture (from the Editing room) courtesy of Cameron! We hope you like it.

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Mar 18, 2014

Streaming in March

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Three of Cameron’s films are streaming in HD this month on Netflix. You can check out  Say Anything…Pearl Jam Twenty and Vanilla Sky via Netflix Watch Instantly if you are so inclined…

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Mar 4, 2014

Deep Purple – Circular Magazine

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Deep Purple guitarist Ritchie Blackmore and bass player Glenn Hughes- Houston Astrodome in August 1974. Courtesy of CNN

Here’s new addition to the Journalism archives. It’s Cameron’s interview with the always quotable, Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple. This Q & A was done for Circular Magazine’s November, 1974 issue. Cameron also spoke with Ritchie on related (and different) topics during the same time period for the following publications:

A Cynic’s View of Deep Purple

The additions of singer David Coverdale and bassist Glenn Hughes, Burn, the well-publicized American tour on Starship One, the California Jam . . . It seems like the last Deep Purple barn-storming ended just a couple weeks ago. Yet those prolific rogues are assaulting Fall with another burst of activity. A strong new LP, characteristically titled Stormbringer, has just been released. An international tour is already underway. Suffice to say Purple is back for more pillage with scarcely a moment’s rest. 

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Mar 1, 2014

  • Almost Famous- Paramount+, AMC+
  • David Crosby: Remember My Name- Starz
  • Elizabethtown- FUBO
  • Say Anything...- Disney+, Hulu, AMC+
  • Vanilla Sky- Paramount+,Showtime
  • We Bought A Zoo- Disney+, Roku