Yearly Archives: 2014

Faces Come Back to Life

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The Faces (1973). Pictured clockwise from left to right: Rod Stewart, Ian McLagan, Ronnie Lane, Ronnie Wood and Kenney Jones. Courtesy of WireImage

As Summer winds down, we thought you might be interested in a new Journalism addition to the site today. Cameron talks with The Faces for this 1973 interview with Circular magazine.  Cameron interviewing Rod Stewart between blow drying his hair creates quite a visual. Enjoy…

Faces Come Back to Life

Chasing Faces Through the Showers. Double Album, maybe.

It was originally due out in September, this notorious Rod Stewart/faces live double album. Recorded earlier this year at Philadelphia’s Spectrum and Chicago’s Amphitheatre, the package would have been the quintessential back-to-school item. But alas, it is now wintertime and the album has vanished from imminence.

“Two for tea,” cracks Ian McLagen while surveying the setting for his interview – backstage at the San Diego Sports Arena. The Faces have just encored, leaving behind 16,000 fans in a state of euphoria and turning a few jaded heads as well. The dressing room is predictably loud and hectic. McLagen is sitting on metal chairs and shower stalls down the hall. Every word promptly reverberates within tiled walls.

“The live album will be totally redone,” reveals McLagen. “We’re recording both Anaheims (the next night’s two shows at the Anaheim Convention Center) and the Palladium.” Pause. “I can’t hear at all. My ears are gone.” McLagen punctuates the statement by thrusting a finger into one of his blocked ears and jiggling wildly.

On that note, Connie De Nave, Faces’ publicist, enters. “Rod’s ready to talk,” she declares, leading the way to yet another dubious interview site: the john. Here Rod Stewart has a few moments to talk while he blow-dries his famous hair. “Me here is like a fookin’ lawn,” he mumbles amid the clamor of his hand dryer. “Got to sow it and mow it.”

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Aug 26, 2014

PJ20: Seattle Screening!

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Pearl Jam Twenty will be showing on Tuesday, August 12th as part of the Triple Door’s Summer Movie Series. Tickets are an amazing $4 and including a soft drink, beer or wine! The Triple Door is a great place to see a film (or a concert), so check out all the details over at their official site if you live in the Seattle area.



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Aug 8, 2014

Say Anything… Midnight Screening

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Chicago’s Tivoli Theatre will host a special midnight screening of Say Anything… on Friday, July 25, 2014 (actually Saturday morning, right?). The screening has will celebrate the film’s 25th anniversary. Chicago is a perfect place since John Cusack and John Mahoney are both Chicago area natives.

Admission is only $5 and tickets can be purchased online through Tivoli’s website or at the Tivoli Box Office.

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Jul 25, 2014

Sun Kil Moon: More Benji Vinyl Soon…

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We have been receiving lots of inquiries about the Vinyl release of Sun Kil Moon’s Benji album. We know that the recent Double LP Blue Vinyl sold out quickly on the Caldo Verde website. So we are pleased to announce that CIMS/Think Indie will be releasing separate Clear and Yellow LP variations and they should be in record stores by the end of July. Thanks for all the interest in Vinyl Films Records latest release.

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Jul 22, 2014

Archives: Pearl Jam – Five Against the World

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Happy Saturday. Thought it might be fun to look back on Cameron’s Pearl Jam 1993 cover story for Rolling Stone. It was the band’s first real in-depth interview just as Vs. was making its debut. There’s an even longer version that we might share one day, but for now, check out the published version.

Five Against the World

Pearl Jam emerge from the strange daze of superstardom with a new album full of rage and warrior soul.

There are two Eddie Vedders. One is quiet, shy, barely audible when he speaks. Loving and loved in return. The other is tortured, a bitter realist, a man capable of pointing out injustice and waging that war on the home front, inside himself. On a warm and windy late-spring day in San Rafael, California, it’s easy to see which Eddie Vedder is shooting baskets outside the Site, the recording studio where Pearl Jam are finishing their second album. It is tortured Eddie, the one with the deep crease between his eyebrows.

“Your shot,” calls Jeff Ament, the group’s bassist. He bounces the ball to Vedder, who takes a long outside jumper. It rattles into the basket and rolls away. By the time Ament retrieves the ball, Vedder has already disappeared into the studio. His mind is on a new song, “Rearviewmirror.” This is the last day of recording at the Site, and the track’s fate hangs in the balance. It’s a song about suicide… but it’s too “catchy.”

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Jul 19, 2014

Untitled Hawaii: Meet Mitchell

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Jaeden Lieberher (Mitchell) — Colorworks, Culver City — July 2, 2014

Here’s another picture from Cameron as they continue post-production on Untitled Hawaii. That’s Mitchell, played by young actor Jaeden Lieberher. Jaeden has been very busy of late. In addition to Untitled Hawaii, you’ll be saying Jaeden in the upcoming St. Vincent (also with Bill Murray) and Jeff Nichols’ next film, Midnight Special.

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Jul 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Tom Cruise!

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Tom Cruise turns 52 today and it seems like the perfect time to honor the man with a few interviews that he did with Cameron. The first one with Interview magazine back in 1986 was his most in-depth to date. They discuss his early years, Top Gun, The Color of Money and much much more. We also recommend that you check out Cameron’s Vanity Fair interview with Tom from 2000.

Lastly, have you seen Edge of Tomorrow yet? In my humble opinion, it’s a perfect Summer movie. Very entertaining and funny too. Do check it out.  Happy Birthday Tom!


Hot Shot in Top Gun

It has been three years since Tom Cruise made his starring debut as Joel Goodsen, the awakening young capitalist in Paul Brickman’s “Risky Business.” The movie was a perfect showcase for Cruise’s style – equal parts comic vulnerability and dramatic strength. When the family egg tumbled through the air at the end of “Risky Business”, audiences everywhere felt the full weight of Joel’s predicament. By the time it landed, Cruise had arrived.

Now 24, Cruise has worked steadily since that memorable turn, but due to a combination of lengthy schedules and production delays, he hasn’t been seen since 1983′s “All The Right Moves.” That hiatus is about to end. This year will see the release of three high-profile Cruise releases. First comes Ridley Scott’s long-awaited “Legend.” The summer blockbuster, “Top Gun” will hit theaters this month, and due in December is “The Color of Money,” Martin Scorsese’s sequel to “The Hustler.” Cruise stars as the pool playing protégé/nemesis of Fast Eddie – Paul Newman.

I spoke with Tom Cruise at the Columbus Dynasty Restaurant on New York’s Upper West Side. A model of manners, Cruise rarely missed an opportunity for a “sir” or “ma’am.” When our talk was over, he thanked the waitress, hoisted his backpack onto his shoulders and disappeared into a crowded subway, looking a lot like Joel Goodsen a long way from home.

Cameron Crowe: You’re someone who is associated with a lot of people’s adolescent thoughts and fantasies…

Tom Cruise: Yep, I’ve been laid just about everywhere. On the train, in the bedroom, on the stairs….[laughs]

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Jul 3, 2014

Archives: James Taylor – Circular Magazine

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walkingman Happy Monday. I’m super excited to share a new addition to the site today, Cameron’s 1973 story about James Taylor from Circular magazine. Circular was Warner Bros. promotional magazine and this story profiles James and his latest album, Walking Man. Most of the quotes are from James’ longtime manager, Peter Asher. We hope you like it.

J. Taylor Ends the Wait

It was mid-1970 when America first stumbled onto a gently brilliant, yet fairly obscure album called Sweet Baby James. Seeing it as an oasis in the midst of psychedelia’s dying embers, the public catapulted a somewhat dazed and retiring Carolinian guitarist-composer named James Taylor to superstardom. Gold records, the cover of Time Magazine, adoring throngs . . . it all came in quick succession, and Taylor retreated to write deeply probing and introspective songs that filled infrequent, but well-crafted albums like Mud Slide Slim and The Blue Horizon and One Man Dog.

Not until the recent Walking Man, however, has James appeared content and positive in his work. The mood of the new album is bright and confident, the songs strong and true. In short, James Taylor has presented a solid case against the John Lennon school of thought that “genius is pain.”

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Jun 23, 2014

  • Almost Famous- Paramount+, AMC+
  • David Crosby: Remember My Name- Starz
  • Elizabethtown- FUBO
  • Say Anything...- Disney+, Hulu, AMC+
  • Vanilla Sky- Paramount+,Showtime
  • We Bought A Zoo- Disney+, Roku