The Crowe’s Nest is a new feature that will collect random tidbits, etc. in one blog post. So without further adieu, let’s get started:
- Time magazine shares their Top 25 Movie Soundtracks of All Time and Singles has made their list (not sure how Rushmore made the cut over The Royal Tenenbaums). Here’s what they said Singles: In 1992, a year that saw Nirvana outsell U2 and knock Michael Jackson out of the top spot on the Billboard 200, the definitive grunge sound track Singles arrived. Just as Nirvana was the right band at the right time, Singles was the right movie. The film’s score features a virtual checklist of bands from the then exploding Seattle music scene, including Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Mudhoney, and it helped cement grunge as the dominant sound of the decade. (Further bridging art and life, Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell and the members of Pearl Jam made cameos in director Cameron Crowe’s homage to his hometown.) Sure, at its core Singles is a fairly typical movie about 20-somethings dating and mating (occasionally both, often neither), but it’s also a perfect snapshot of grunge’s day in the (black hole) sun.
- Leon Russell was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Great news indeed. The ceremony will air at 8 p.m. March 20 on the cable music channel Fuse. Don’t forget that Cameron’s The Union documentary will open the Tribeca Film Festival on April 20th.
- Lastly, there’s an interesting article by Philadelphia Inquirer writer Michael Smerconish about digital music, the fidelity inferiority compared to Vinyl and how this generation is missing out on the experience of listening to an album as a whole. There’s some nice personal experiences shared and he even discusses Cameron’s liner notes from Lynyrd Skynyrd’s One More From the Road.